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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Miss America Pageant

Miss America Pageant
Laura Kaeppeler, a 23-year-old from Wisconsin, won the Miss America 2012 beauty pageant on Saturday evening.
Kaeppeler received a $50,000 scholarship and will likely make numerous public appearances during her year-long run as beauty queen.
Beauty pageants have come under attack over the past fifty years or so by feminists, liberals and others who are appalled by what they perceive as the 'objectification' and 'exploitation' of young women.
Allow me to present a contrarian view.
I see nothing wrong with beauty contests, nor do I think they “corrupt” society's values nor “degrade” women.
Beauty, like intelligence and talent, is a God-given characteristic one is born with it – you either have it or you don't.
Thus, if some people “resent” the good looks and elegance of young beauty queens, should they not also “resent” the brilliance of scientists and doctors who win Noble Prizes?
Similarly, we admire and idolize (and extravagantly compensate) professional athletes for their wondrous physical abilities. Yes, these people have to practice and train, but without their inborn, innate talent, their skills could never flourish,
For example, no matter how much I practice. I will never be able to play basketball like Lebron James nor play soccer like David Beckham.
I don't see many people complaining about how Lebron and Beckham have been “exploited” by the system.
I realize scientific and medical achievements are extremely important to humankind, whereas beauty pageants and sports add little or nothing to the welfare of humanity.
But, human beings admire and celebrate physical beauty – we always have and we always will.
Why is Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, now a global icon? Is it because she is so intelligent, or has cured cancer or discovered a new element? No, it's because she is an extraordinarily beautiful young woman (oh, and the wife of the future King of England).
I was born in a country (India) where beauty pageants are practically a “religion” – so, perhaps I am biased. My sister participated in beauty contests when she was young and the experience certainly hasn't “ruined” her life.
Beauty queens are revered in India and often become the attractive “face” of the country for the outside world.
The overwhelming majority of these girls freely choose to compete in beauty pageants on their own will (while, in some cases, they are pushed into by their mothers), Nevertheless, the point is, they are neither “coerced” nor “forced” into it.
Some critics have actually compared beauty pageants to a kind of “pornography” – a patently absurd premise.
Beauty pageants have little or nothing to do with overt sexuality or eroticism (no, not even the swimsuit competitions). They are (by and large) elegant and respectable affairs.
I will concede that beauty pageants which seek to “sexualize” under-age girls (like the tragedy of JonBenet Ramsey) are a horror that should be banned.
But, generally speaking, beauty pageants (as long as they are tasteful) are harmless, pleasant diversions.


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