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Often served and still serves at times for those who stubbornly can not (or will not) understand American, and just do the modern culture, as evidenced by the very culture of the alleged decay, wrestling, however, like millions of inhabitants of different countries, from Germany to Japan and Mexico to British seas. I love it, and (alas, only as a spectator, although at one time, about 15 years ago, I thought to do them in real life, if not as a proper fighter, the "manager"), and even with doamerikanskih years, when the first grains of the American "mass culture" began to reach the outskirts to our newly created Palestinian on networks of independent television stations, among other things show such films as the cult of "Live" (They live) with Roddy Piper, and many fighters with polukomediynye until recently the most recognizable star of the sport, Hulk Hogan
By the way, looking ahead, tell Hogan - the most interesting character in many ways symbolizes the entire wrestling, as in a very limited arsenal of actual fighting techniques, he was extremely charismatic, and has become a kind of icon for many Americans, especially the younger generation, among other things, popularizing phrase, "Say your prayers, and drink your milk!" addressable correct (quoted and unquoted) scholar. Therefore, when in the 96th, he almost made the first "lift flip", changing the image of a good guy to bad, went into the "conspiracy" with a couple of other renegades - "a bully" Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, two-meter handsome not without humor, and philosophical and political interests - and creating a "New World Order", for many it came as a shock.
For wrestling in general, however - most likely, salvation, because at that time and attendance ratings broadcasts live shows both major federations were falling in the genre felt the acute shortage of fresh new and effective ideas, and the future of sport looks very disturbing.
Also, remember, and a couple of attempts to transplant this exotic at first glance, the genre, although it has prototypes in the amusing, circus and other gladioatorskih martial disciplines in many nations of the world in the early '90s, such as an all-female production of Catch in the transmission of "Hit-pipe ". By the way, I know that 7-8 years ago, Russia was the made an attempt to create their own federation restlingovuyu, alas finish it in bankruptcy. To be honest, I'm sorry, and I think the "big boys" of remaining in the ranks of American or Japanese federations, has been used it is useful to think about entering the Russian market, and who knows, in the long run, even on "Betl Royale" in Red Square. Smile. Well, that all-American KVN I already suggested, and now offer all-Russian wrestling. As they say, take the idea is still bad and not zakopiraychena.
Well, when I came to the United States, his first restlingovuyu program on TV I saw almost the next day. And fell in love with this strange form of entertainment for real. Why ask? As a person from an educated family can get involved just do something like this? Yes it is because of the intelligent! For those who think that Ketch - the lot of rednecks, I hasten to open a secret known to all who have eyes open and brains: Ketch is an art, a sub-culture, sublime and mimics many of the deepest human emotions, thoughts, instincts, and more! Not for nothing, and many fighters - such as the magnificent Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, the same Piper ("in the world" - Roderick George Tumbs), modern Hulk Hogan - John Cena, the rapper turned-marines, and others, have shown themselves how different actors in the movie, but one famous once "real" movie actor, wrestling theme, one might even say, 4 years ago saved the creative life.
note the "eyebrow of the People" - a gesture, taken over a great comedian Dueyvnom John Belushi, and former some time the subject of a full-fledged hysteria
Pestling called "soap opera for men": here there and acting, often with higher poshiba. Ckazhu honestly, in most cases, I think the role of "bad" guy gives you more opportunities to show his acting qualities, because it provides a great depth of emotion for digging and ideas - and so, maybe not the only reason I from the outset "bad" characters, with rare exceptions, like the most. Remember, the "Nautilus" is a song, "I defended the boxer?" There are the words "I learned later that they pay money for something, that it knocked to the floor." Slightly change the text of the chorus with "I defended the boxer" to "I defended a fighter" - and will be quite adequate description of my personal relationship to Ketch.
A bit of history. As I said earlier, the sources are varied and Ketch go back to the ancient roots of different cultures, people have always wanted to produce "steam" the physical and emotional energy, preferably with no one actually does not kill, but at the same time a kind of ritual imitation of violence - as, for example, cats need At least Cloth mouse to sharpen its claws, and dog bones, plastic, in order to warm up teeth, and in this sense, America is, pardon the tautology, America has not opened. The modern Ketch began in English and French culture, the last 2-3 centuries as part of the circus and festival repertoire. Remember, for example, "Red Rooster", the loser Pippi Longstocking? Incidentally, this "grass roots" level of wrestling, and still exists, and even sometimes delivers the future stars of the "big leagues" - for example, an Englishman, Kenneth Matthews, better known as "Lord Steven Regal"
Look closely at more closely: what is not David Bowie? Only a well-battered lives and, in this case, it seems, still partying and rough
Especially when I began to follow closely the affairs of wrestling, the major federations were two: WWF (World Wrestling Federation), and WCW (World Championship Wrestling).
However, even then, 18 years ago, and now, was and is a huge number of small, "independent", and other regional federations. Actually, the first-"world federation" - originally grew out of one such "local", whose owner - Vince McMahon - bought out his father's own child, and in the early '80s he led an aggressive attack on the territory of the competition, conducting on- other states, concluding telekontrakty etc. "Championship" is also being originally one of many federations, though very old and respected by all, was purchased in the 88th year by Ted Turner, CNN founder and owner of the Goodwill Games. This act became the first business and saving the federation, and the entire WWE, creating a powerful competitor Makmenovskomu offspring, and pushing it to its own innovation, so as not to fail at all (and before that at one point was very close), and after a dozen years - in fact, the reason for its decline is due to reluctance of Turner's call for specific content limits allowed in the competition. In particular, Turner is known as a categorical opponent of the show of blood, and last but not least, I think, is it limited capacity "Championship" to compete with the "Federation", as well as unwillingness to play "on the verge of" erotica, and other "decency."
Not that I advocate the permission "of any Kaki" on television, much less public, but if somehow your product does not go beyond the bounds assigned by law, be prepared to do all of this facet tolerated, to win the fight for the top and the more to meet the aspirations of the consumer. Not willing to do anything to win-lose, as lost, "Chempionat." A pity, I liked them in general more Makmenovskoy federation, so that I could somehow, in the 97m said that media-empire of billionaire leftist Turner would be nice to dismiss, CNN and Time magazine to close, Jane forfeiture fund - only to leave WCW . And by the way, "New World Order", which I personally think the most brilliant idea in the history of wrestling, it has created WCW.
We see the unusual composition of this "team", which replaced to the same color with black and white on a black and red (as in Kinchev: "Black and red my color, but it is created, alas, not me ..)" symbol "WCW VorOnoobrazny" Sting "(in the world - Steve Borden, a fighter, never converted to other federations, and continues a successful career in Total Nonstop Action, the actual successor, WCW); Mexican" bully "Conan, a friend of Sting, once no less popular Lex Luger (the most likely winner of large muscles in sport), and already mentioned above, Kevin Nash. It is interesting that with the creation of "NWO" in wrestling has changed one important point: if the earlier script writers (and matches and tournaments are usually scheduled advance, although the actual course may vary according to the decision "puppeteers") decide who plays the "bad" guy and who is good, then a 96-year, with the advent of NRM and Steve "Stone Cold" Austin, determine popularity / hated this or a fighter who gave the most to the public. And it was that often, "hooligans" popular "altar boys".
It should, incidentally, be noted that for the most part, the violence in wrestling simulation, not real, and the simulation has reached a level of independent art. Try to get a dozen blows with a baseball bat, aluminum garbage bin, iron chair, a fall used under the ceiling gym, chop the barbed wire, and do not get really serious wounds and injuries!
The blood, too, or just paint or made invisible by tiny lezviykami cuts in places that are not zadevayuschuh vital functions. Steve Austin, which began with "radical change" in opposing federations McMahon and Turner in favor of the former, in fact it was "bloody" scene in the 97th year in a battle with the legendary Brett Hart, made a megastar
Hit all his courage and resilience of Steve before the villain is the largest in the Federation, has become a matter of minutes a favorite, and not only Ketch, refused to surrender even when losing the rivers of blood;
a "good guy" Bret, the most striking comes from the Canadian clan Hart, in their influence on wrestling is comparable, for instance, the clan Gracie in "Drake without rules", he began to suffer the whistle and the hostility of spectators - something that Bret before almost exclusively ever watch from the sidelines with respect to his rivals. That match was probably the most turning point in modern history, Ketch, because the fashion for "bad" behavior is gone with him, and further conflicts with Austin's "boss" McMahon, became a legend. However, it is less a victory for evil, but a kind of reincarnation of the good: when it kasalo important things, very few people behaved as nobly as the "Texas rattlesnake" Austin.
It was but two of the "big leagues", is a third, which had a huge impact on ketchevy world. It was called ECW - Extreme Wrestling Federation, and has produced a lot of interesting, "extreme" inventions, such as already commemorated matches "no rules" but with all kinds of valves, as well as a number of major stars who are athletes, the most influential of which, at least in the ideological sphere, is definitely Scott "Raven" Levy
A "good Jewish boy from New Jersey" had to own "ekstrimnogo" image forever gloomy misanthrope and leader of the gang of young ragamuffins frostbitten, to visit and "Flamingo", and the manager couple "Kvebekuarov" Johnny Polo - but really found myself in exactly ECW. And although the number of titles won his left far behind some other stars, for me personally, and many others, it always seemed that the contribution of the Raven in the ideology of wrestling the last fifteen years, perhaps the most powerful. Contemplate carefully: Why not a rock-prophet? By the way, in his "ternerovskie" years, Scott has used as an "entrance theme" "Come As You Are" Nirvana.
People from the "real" sport, too, at times go into wrestling. It is worth mentioning in this series of ex-NFL players as Bill Goldberg, who at one time the biggest star of wrestling, Steve McMichael, Quévy Green and classic wrestler and Olympic champion Kurt Angle Atlanta
Note the mask Rhea - Ketch is a tradition in Mexican, as well as the prevalence of being practiced in this country style of this amazing sport of "air" tricks wrestlers from Mexico are generally physically smaller than those from other countries (USA, Canada, Japan, - another country where "amusing battle" extremely popular, and has a huge element preskazuemo martial arts, judo from sumo to), and compensate for the lack of an incredible podvuzhnostyu and excellent coordination.
The Mexicans, as opposed to "mainstream" American Ketch, where sometimes even without a mask wrestler trying to disrupt the opponent with her in Mexico are extremely popular fighting "mask vs. mask", such as shown in the photo. In general, this Catch More and Masks show. Smile. By the way, Deliev & Co. is a great release of "Face to the rear of the enemy," where pripankovannye Soviet partisans attacking the Gestapo occupied the cabaret, so here there is also a "restlingovy" episode, who do not believe - that the Council review!
Of course, the great fighters of the past and present too many to remember all one's already a great article - here you and the "Cool" Freddie Blass, and "Superstar" Billy Graham (not to be confused with the same preacher), and "Triple H" Paul Levesque, and Chris Jericho, succeeded not only in the Ketch and in roknrolle, and Edge (Adam Copeland), and the king of extreme wrestling Mick Foley, and amazingly charismatic "Handsome Boy" Shawn Michaels (Michael Shawn aka Higginbottom), and Jake "Snake" Roberts, and gone to another world within my memory Eddie Guerrero, Davey "British Bulldog" Smith, and the tragic Chris Benoit, who committed suicide at the same time carrying away into another world his own wife Elizabeth gorgeous, young son and infant (the reasons for the commission by Chris the crime is still being debated: Toli doping, Toli Toli still that Depression, and maybe all together), and no less tragic, Brian Pillman - another former NFLovets.
Well, as no mention of the deceased because of otstegnuvsheysya lodge during the execution of the role of supergeroicheskogo character's younger brother Bret Hart, Owen's beloved!
As there have Makarevich, "Shame on you, remove the legs, do not you dare lie, and believe those who lied! A better stand up and remove their hats before those who entertain you today." Hats off to all of them, and many of those who did not have time to mention in the article, because to my mind was not just the best artists and personalities of people who loved and more willing to sacrifice himself for them and their expectations. Yes, among them there are those who abused drugs, doping, long time no contact with their families - but I think wrestling in this sense, hardly different from many other professions, whether it be a musician, especially a rocker, trucker, a professional soldier, actor, or even more Conventional film and theater.
But perhaps special mention among all the other professional wrestlers deserve "Gravedigger", aka "The Phenomenon", he Kolluey Mark. If the New World Order was the idea that forces every Monday and Thursday and at least one Sunday a month to wait for the invasion of "black suit" in life, "decent" ternerovskoy federation, Mark Kolluey with Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, and later, "How," Johnson a revolution in Makmenovskoy league, each in his own way, and the "Gravedigger" Mark sometimes evoked a feeling that a little more and it will go straight from the TV in your room. Nicknamed the "phenomenon" it is vpolnhe zalsuzhenno as for more than 20 years of his career has been sent to another world at least once a year, and each time returned, and half the time used for digging 10 meters of land in front of the affected public and paralyzed by fear of competition.
It is not surprising that so far, the most important show of wrestling - "Reslmanii" - so anyone could make and did not win. However, there are rumors that this year it umopomrachayuschaya winning series may yet come to an end.
In general, Ketch is blood, sweat and tears .. and nail polish. Smile. What do you think really in a "hot" genre of show business, and do without the beautiful half of humanity? NIZACHTO! Do not I tell you that the fair sex can not be enemies weaker, and even stronger than the "strong"
In general, Ketch is blood, sweat and tears .. and nail polish. Smile. What do you think really in a "hot" genre of show business, and do without the beautiful half of humanity? NIZACHTO! Do not I tell you that the fair sex can not be enemies weaker, and even stronger than the "strong"
two "teams", "good" Beth Phoenix and Natalya Hart (in the world - Elizabeth Carolan, Kochanski, and Natalie Hart .. imagine - I told you, the Hart-home ketchevaya dynasty!) and "evil" Michelle McCool and Layla El (these markups, oddly enough, both the real name). But these four beauties restlingovyh list, intelligent, Komsomol, and just athletes, of course, not limited to - there is also a Tory Wilson and Lita, and Trish Stratus, Stacy Kibler and (do not win titles but stunningly beautiful present girlfriend of George Clooney ), "unearthly" Marlena (aka Terry Rannels) and Mickie James and many others. By the way, I can suggest to view video on yutyubovsky song "Creed" "My sacrifice" so that all became clear aneveroyatno severe but equally interesting work, which these beautiful creatures is consecrated http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = WwugVA5pxOg
And of course, I should say a few words about the attitude of our countrymen, and wrestling. I called the article "From Kolov to Kozlov, WWE ready for anything" because "Ivan Koloff," along with his "nephew" Nikita Koloffym and other "Russian" fighter, Vladimir Volkov, were popular, usually (but not always) negative characters in Catch 80's and 90's, usually portraying medvedistyh "bolshevykoff" in the ear flaps
And of course, I should say a few words about the attitude of our countrymen, and wrestling. I called the article "From Kolov to Kozlov, WWE ready for anything" because "Ivan Koloff," along with his "nephew" Nikita Koloffym and other "Russian" fighter, Vladimir Volkov, were popular, usually (but not always) negative characters in Catch 80's and 90's, usually portraying medvedistyh "bolshevykoff" in the ear flaps
only for the sake of God, not outraged by wrestling in a grotesque form of lights and often makes fun of all kinds bstereotipy, and "under hand" were not some "red" Russian, and the Iranians - "Iron Sheik", this former bodyguard of the last shah, still very well known and popular in America, and the French, Germans and Canadians - they just do a 97-year was the whole "war", and of course the Arabs, but what in the late 90s and still a WWE segment about "stupid Americans" created, where "Asian Prince" from India jeered by local residents, causing them to literally lick the soles of his boots - of course, for the appropriate fee, somewhere in predelay $ 500. Bobschem, Americans just do, and "wrestling" world in particular, knows how to laugh, including at himself. Humor markups integral part ketchevyh show, and it is quite decent vosnovnom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqxVw1nfkiw
Well, Vladimir Kozlov - WWE star is the current year, the first "real" Russian. True, in fact, he ukpainets, from Kiev, and his name is not Vladimir Volkov and not, as Oleg and very even Prudius - but I think its authenticity is in no way undermines
Well, Vladimir Kozlov - WWE star is the current year, the first "real" Russian. True, in fact, he ukpainets, from Kiev, and his name is not Vladimir Volkov and not, as Oleg and very even Prudius - but I think its authenticity is in no way undermines
And last summer, in an already glittering world with all the colors Ketch started up yet, and "our" star - with the stage name Aksana, and in fact a native of Lithuania Zhivole Raudonene
Hopefully, in comparison with other great "Diva" she will not get lost, and bring in their home country treasury is not less gold than Evgeni Plushenko. Smile.
In conclusion, I will mention another commendable trait restlingovoy industry: magnanimity. When about 10 years ago, the World Wildlife Federation, seeing that the WWF acronym has become a popular drag-net, said the rights to it, McMahon & Co. graciously declined to challenge the rights and rename of "federation" in the "Entertainment". Well, the truth, this is not accompanied by "smooth" the slogan "Get the F out" - but because environmentalists as a result are left with what looked for, but the main thing, right?
In conclusion, I will mention another commendable trait restlingovoy industry: magnanimity. When about 10 years ago, the World Wildlife Federation, seeing that the WWF acronym has become a popular drag-net, said the rights to it, McMahon & Co. graciously declined to challenge the rights and rename of "federation" in the "Entertainment". Well, the truth, this is not accompanied by "smooth" the slogan "Get the F out" - but because environmentalists as a result are left with what looked for, but the main thing, right?
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