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Friday, February 3, 2012

Britney Spears

Britney Spears
Britney Spears sue Vitaly Kozlovsky
Ukrainian pop singer Vitaly Kozlovsky lied about a wedding invitation to a world star Britney Spears.
Artist, who said last week that he had received an invitation to a solemn wedding ceremony pop world stars, disgraced himself and refused to comment on its clumsy public relations.

It was learned that Britney's representatives are now planning to apply for a singer to court for false information. Kozlowski himself refuses to comment on the rumors:

"I am very sorry that all this information laid out on Britney Spears - said Vitaly TV channel 1 +1 - I'm not going to comment in any way. Because I have no right to talk about it. Too expensive it cost me if I talk about it. "

Recall that Vitali spoke at the "opening act" for Britney during her only solo concert in Kiev.


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