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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rumer Willis

Rumer Willis
Less than a week after her mother collapsed and was rushed to hospital, Romer Willis celebrated at a party of Hollywood actors guild
Children like Romer Willis make it clear why we must adopt cats instead of having children.

Demi Moore last week collapsed and was rushed to hospital due to substance abuse. At least that's what everyone says. Her PR people said it was exhaustion despite emergency center recorded conversation revealed that the source of materials consumed Moore breakdown and exhaustion.

In any case, since the past few days and Romer and Willis, Demi Moore was next time it collapsed, she decided to return to the world of life. Willis came to the party of the Screen Actors Guild in Hollywood on Sunday and did not seem too worried even though her ​​mother was still hospitalized.

World gossip sites and paparazzi Willis still trying to get a reaction to the collapse of Moore but she keeps silent.

Preserves and celebrates as if the woman never brought her in the hospital fighting for her sanity and possibly her life.


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