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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Annie Yi

Annie Yi
Annie Yi "Dongjak point hand in Chow Yun-fat Biao acting
Chow Yun Fat epic drama "Dongjak Taiwan came to an end. The film, Chow Yun-fat to reproduce the style of the King, in an artistic talented Annie (microblogging) replace Gong partner Chow Yun Fat "Iraq Week" combinations, eye-catching. The producers said: The reason selected in more than actress Annie, she kind of dignified extravagance, the temperament of the mother of kings, the role needs to mature and rational.

But looking at the role that Chow Yun Fat interpretation, whether kings or heroes paladin, how much with the king of the air. And he has long been the uncrowned king of the people's minds. Look at those colors of the queen in the film and television work, or glamorous, or grace, or Qijue, or bullying the weak ... they are the Queen, more days after. Recently, the posting will be its king of Chow Yun Fat for its cooperation in the "queen" who together and said, "a king four.

Gong Li ─ ─ extravagant tea of ​​chrysanthemum

Gong Li plays the "Curse of the Golden Flower" in the Queen's beautiful just like in full bloom chrysanthemum, Huang Chao poem: until autumn to September 8, when I bloom flowers to kill. Repeat itself domineering. But also a testament to the fate of the chrysanthemum, the face of it, magnificent bloom when the bright and unlimited. But open to the extravagant tea, inevitably wither, and the inevitable tragedy. When the weathered hit, and only a low and beautiful flowers, unable to face the ravages of fate.

Zhang Ziyi (microblogging) ─ ─ Complaints of Miseries Orchids

Played by Zhang Ziyi "The Banquet" wan, whether it is from the shape, or distribution of temperament, like a lonely valley, orchids, exudes a lush Boudoir. She is not an atmosphere of Queen, but she is definitely representative of the gloomy palace woman, sad eyes, the desolately earnest lines are showing her helpless and weak, she is not indisputable, but one Orchids, but also how much energy?

Carina Lau (microblogging) ─ ─ Scarlet Peony

Carina Lau plays "beauty empire" in Wu Zetian, she is a big week of the Emperor, but she is the Queen of Datang. She is a Scarlet Peony develop blood irrigation. Someone else's life with her ware? She needs is her throne, her cause, her world. Peony atmosphere, Aromatic, but to use someone else's blood irrigation. All of them just her pawn, make a dedication for her empire.

Annie ─ ─ proudly plum

Annie, played by Dongjak V after she was born to do the giants of the Queen's daughter. Her upbringing, her of the weather does not allow her in cahoots with Cao Cao, Stick prefer not guns, it also created a tragedy of her fate. She is like the cold desolate snow plum quietly open, but Mei Xiang overflowing. Her heart to the world, so she is heroic to launch world is righteous to kill Cao Cao. Although at the outset will fail, but she believes: Road lies, But I will carry on. Therefore, lived and why not?


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