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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mona Lisa copy

Mona Lisa copy
Mona Lisa copy: In Spain, found a copy of the "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci, written at the same time as the original
Madrid Prado Museum announced a sensational discovery. It was found that long-stored in the vaults, and only in recent years exhibited here a copy of the famous "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci was painted at the same time and in the same location as the famous original.

This discovery was made by specialists of the museum during planned restoration work, during which a layer of black lacquer, they found the same Tuscan landscape, as in the original located in the Louvre, "Mona Lisa". The fact that the copy was written in conjunction with the original, confirmed and carried out in the infrared study. They revealed the same changes that have made Leonardo da Vinci on the original. This suggests that the artist performed the copy - probably one of the brilliant students of the master - was present during the process of creating a "Mona Lisa".

It used to be that preserved in the Prado Museum "La Gioconda", which has almost the same size as the original, was written on oak, which excluded the possibility of its establishment in Italy. However, during the current restoration work it was found that a work is created on the board of walnut, as well as the work of Leonardo da Vinci.

Employees of the Prado Museum also stressed that they have made discoveries confirmed by experts of the Louvre. Now, in late March, an unusual copy will go to Paris for an exhibition dedicated to works of Leonardo da Vinci.


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