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Friday, February 3, 2012

Roseanne Barr

Roseanne Barr
Roseanne Barr: Actress Rozanna Barr filed for registration of candidates for nomination for president of the United States from the "green", reports Associated Press. According to Barr, neither Republican nor Democratic party do for the people of the United States any good, and it can remedy this situation, if he becomes president.

"Democrats and Republicans bought them pay financial dealers. They argue that defend the interests of ordinary people, but actually care about the needs of those who pay more. I buy will not work" - quoted Barr British The Times.

Some provisions of the election program outlined actress ceo. In particular, if the presidential elections, it promises to reform health care and the public to write off all loans, "drove vtryshyya of the Federal Reserve (Fed) those who blame the Americans money." Slogan Barr campaign is: "Vote for me, I vpravlyu their brains. Barr 2012".

Herself an actress, however, doubt that it will not be able not only to become president, but even win the nomination of "green". "I'm almost sure that nominated Jill Stein, and I will support it, but until then I will fight," - she wrote in Twitter.
Jill Stein, a doctor by training, is one of four candidates for the nomination for president of the United States from the "green". In addition thereto, and Barr, to claim the nomination of Kent and Harley Mespley Mikelson. His presidential candidate "green" to choose the convention to be held in July 2012 in Baltimore.

Rozanna Barr is one of the most famous and popular American actresses sytkomiv. She became famous thanks to TV series "Rozanna" which came out in theaters in 1988-97, respectively. Barr has won awards, "Emma" and "Golden Globe" and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


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