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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh

Only a small percentage of voters see it as a constant source of information on elections, but Twitter has an important role in political communication - U.S. House race
Some days it was quite a desirable job in American journalism: the accompaniment of a presidential candidate during the election campaign. "The boys on the bus" (other - that women journalists also joined) swung Although long days between centers at a crossroads in the house - Fathers distant suburb, but close proximity to a politician trying to get to - White produced quite a few stories, sometimes even books. This was also when a chartered plane replaced the bus. But in recent years The spell was broken. candidate himself has not finished the day a frank conversation with reporters on a bottle of beer in a motel on the road. oiled system of communication consultants motivated such meetings. candidate may emit forbid something embarrassing, or deviate from pages of messages, Perry meticulously planned marketing strategy.

This year's even more frustration among reporters, now called "embedded" (embeds), a term borrowed reporters attached to American military units during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Embedded politics often feel unnecessary. Some candidates just ignore them, preferring to manage the media discourse over their heads. Mitt Romney, for example, generally chooses the favorable stage of the Fox network - Conservative News, answering questions on traveling reporters with him. Other candidates send their messages to the world through social networking.

In recent days CNN reported on "almost a revolt" among members of the media Shutmo Romney's entourage, having failed to persuade the candidate to answer their questions. All they wanted was to hear his reaction to the controversial statement of the radio broadcaster Rush Limbaugh. Broadcaster's venomous tongue ultra - conservative sent her last week of Law student Sandra Plock, calling President Obama to commit to his health care reform will ensure easy availability to women about contraception. "Slut," Limbaugh called her, and the media storm.

Romney did not really want to get into this fray. He was entrapped: moderate Republicans, who disliked his style of limbo, expecting the Romanian condemn the statement affordable. On the other hand, a bad word about Limbaugh could complicate it with unbridled radio man, the darling of the right wing in the Republican Party. Romney chose to avoid microphones and cameras. It was the same as Jim Acosta, political correspondent of CNN, asked for his reaction. Romney simply ignored. Acosta did not give up: He reported on Twitter on Romney's embarrassing silence.

Other reporters have duplicated the chirp, quoted in blogs and online news sites. Within hours, almost pushed Romney's wavering story the words of Limbaugh agenda of the media and political consultants. Candidate condemnation silent, afraid to speak his mind, had a circulation of hundreds of thousands of chirps.

Finally understood that the assault Romanian Twitter will not let him remain silent. He chose to put it mildly. "I'll say this: I would not use such language," said the chattering of limbo. Home - the White quipped on Twitter David Axelrod, senior adviser to President Obama: "Indeed, the profile of courage", to paraphrase the name of John F. Kennedy's book on the American role models. And another adviser of the President joined him tweet: "There, that's leadership".

At least in the media community - political, Twitter is already portrayed as one of the big winners of the elections in 2012. There are those who believe that pushing the twitter network Yo - Reclamation, which was a major player in the previous election. Then, in 2008, many candidates made use of short video clips to deliver messages, respond to statements made by opponents and conduct two - dialogue with selected video clips raised for and against candidates. Twitter was just a beginning of his career; year is one of the main channels, and no political actor can not ignore. The connection between the messages of 140 characters is almost natural campaign, an era when political platform shrinks Lsaondbeit brief like "read my lips", or "Yes we can".

But like all other social networks, Twitter is also a complex challenge for politicians. Romanian candidates not only have trouble dealing with attacks tweeter. Aides and advisers of politicians in the race forced to make-up of 24 hours a day after chirping, that crop up on statements or quotations should not ignore them. Viral distribution overwhelms the political space quickly and efficiently that were not previously known. Each camp must know to take advantage of the Twitter-initiated distribution of information, but also required to be set at any moment to repel attacks.

Twitter plays a key role not only in political communication in the campaign. President Barack Obama comes out from time to time B"bmtkft Twitter "in which he asks his supporters to squeak support during changes in tax laws in the United - States or the health insurance issue. Also said Obama's support in his speech at the AIPAC conference was immediately echoed very well. His Twitter account, run - hands down his re-election campaign, there were 12,826,290 followers earlier this week, and he follows the 861,518 Tziitznim. So on - from the site "political twittering "The Center addresses updated Twitter and twittering of hundreds of American politicians.

Still, should not be overly enthusiastic renewal. Twitter scored him a central place among journalists, politicians, consultants and publicists, but as a source of political information to the general public during the election campaign is still shuffling behind. Survey conducted in January - the Pew Research Institute found that only two percent of respondents reported that they regularly use Twitter as a source of information on the election. Other social networks also receive lower rates of use of the - according to the survey: 6% on Facebook, 3% Bio - reclamation.

On - According to Pew, the first place a permanent source for information about the election is still in television: cable television networks (36%), local news (32%) and national news networks (26%). Internet for the first time urged the printed press in the second place: 25% of respondents said they rely primarily on the network, and only 20% still get their information mainly local newspapers (The percentages add up to more than 100% because some respondents showed more than one central source of information) .

Compared to previous elections, all media except the Internet, are in decline as a source of primary information. Use of the Internet to follow up regularly after the election by one percent compared to elections in 2008. But even this media is the main use of mobile sites and applications of established media and traditional, such as CNN.

Another prominent figure emerging from the survey is a general reduction in the public's interest rate election compared to 2008. The reason for this, so explain, lies in the fact that now only the struggle within the Republican Party, unlike the previous election, in which both parties choose new candidates at the end of the double tenure of George W. Bush. When the games so far only about half the lot, no wonder that even Twittered do not wake up the audience.


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